What is an Interlude in Music?

What is an Interlude in Music?

What is an Interlude in Music?

An interlude is a short piece of music that is played between two longer pieces or sections of a song or musical composition. It can serve a variety of purposes, such as to provide a break or transition between two distinct parts of a song or to set a mood or atmosphere.
Interludes can be found in a wide range of music genres, including pop, rock, hip hop, and classical music.

History of Interludes in Music

  • The use of interludes in music can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where they were often used in religious and ceremonial music to mark transitions or breaks between different parts of a performance.
  • In classical music, interludes were commonly used in opera and other vocal works to provide a break between scenes or acts.
  • In modern music, interludes have evolved and can take many different forms, including instrumental pieces, spoken word, or sound effects.

Types of Interludes in Music

There are several different types of interludes that can be found in music, including:

  1. Instrumental interludes: These are short pieces of music that are played by one or more instruments, without any vocals. They can be played by a single instrument, such as a guitar or piano, or by a group of instruments, such as a string quartet or full orchestra.
  2. Spoken word interludes: These are interludes that feature spoken word or spoken dialogue, rather than music. They can be used to provide context or background information, or to set a mood or atmosphere.
  3. Sound effects interludes: These are interludes that feature sound effects, rather than music or vocals. They can be used to create a particular atmosphere or to mark a transition between two different parts of a song.

What is an Interlude in Music?

Examples of Interludes in Music

There are countless examples of interludes in music, across a wide range of genres. Here are a few notable examples:

  • “Breathe” by The Prodigy: This popular electronic dance music track features a short interlude in the middle of the song, in which the music drops out and a voiceover speaks the words “breathe with me” before the music builds back up.
  • “Paradise” by Coldplay: This pop rock ballad features a beautiful instrumental interlude played on the piano, which provides a break between the first and second verses of the song.
  • “A Beautiful Mind” by Jay-Z: This hip hop track features a spoken word interlude in which Jay-Z recites a quote from the mathematician John Nash, whose story is the basis for the movie of the same name.


Interludes are a common feature in music that can serve a variety of purposes, such as to provide a break or transition between two distinct parts of a song or to set a mood or atmosphere.
They can take many different forms, including instrumental pieces, spoken word, or sound effects, and can be found in a wide range of music genres.

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